Chris Wilkie Memorial Scholarship
Deadline for Submissions - May 31st each year
View Winners Below
Chris was heavily involved in all aspects related to education and protection of wildlife and greatly assisted the Alberta Trappers' Association.
He prepared and cleaned animal skulls for the Association to give to children in order to develop their appreciation for the fur resource.
One scholarship will be awarded annually to the qualifying applicant(s).
MAY 31st
Alberta Trappers’ Association
A memorial scholarship fund has now been started to honour this great man and further his legacy to all Albertans.
Fields Of Study
Any course or courses at any college or school of higher learning in the Province of Alberta. Preferences will be given to courses in:
Environmental Sciences Forestry
Fields related to Wildlife Management
Available to members of the Alberta Trappers’ Association or immediate family.
Consideration will be given to all applicants from a family of active trappers or related background.
The awards are not given necessarily on scholastic standing.
Applicants must submit an essay, along with their application, pertaining to their views related to Furbearer Management.
500 – 1,000 words will be sufficient.